Lightning Awareness


We use the latest technology to establish if there is a need for lightning protection and determine the level of protection required.  Lightning protection typically comprises of a roof network, down conductors, and a ground network.  The lightning rods are strategically installed on the roof, chimneys or other elevated areas.  Highly conductive copper and aluminum materials are used in a lightning protection system.  This provides a low resistance path to safely ground lightning’s dangerous electricity.   The lightning  strike is intercepted and directed to ground without impacting the structure, occupants or contents of the property.  A lightning protection system includes a network of air terminals, bonding conductors, and ground electrodes designed to provide a low impedance path to ground for potential strikes.

Residential Lightning Protection

Dramatic lightning strikes in the Texas area is a reminder of the damage that can be done by lightning storms.  Therefore, ask yourself does it make sense to install lightning protection on homes?

General Lightning Protection can provide a risk assessment for your property. We can design and install a lightning protection system. Lightning rods are positioned at strategic locations where lightning is most likely to strike such as roof, chimneys, etc. Braided cable conductors interconnect the lightning rods to provide a path for the lightning to reach ground. The grounding system dissipates the lightning energy safely into the earth.

Here some pictures of the the lightning protection project that we recently worked on.